Story behind the song

It has felt vulnerable but somehow important to share the story behind the songs from my album “Twilight Mist”. This month, Sanctuary is the song I wanted to bring you since it is about finding and using your voice with power even when you feel unsafe. The seed of this song came from the times in my life I have been physically, emotionally and energetically afraid. I have been chased on foot. I have been stalked. I have even been overpowered. I have narrowly escaped on many occasions. Each time, I have felt so grateful that I was able to find a way out or find someone to help. It made me wonder about safety and if it was possible to feel safe.
This song is about finding peace and clarity around the feeling of being chased or bullied. While I have learned how to ask for help, keep myself safe, and defend myself, I cannot do a thing about what people say or do when they are not honouring my space and respecting my freedom. I have learned how to have boundaries and to protect myself on multiple levels. I can only look after me and find my voice to create my own safety. Freedom and sovereignty are what I am working toward.
Recovering my personal power has been a primary theme in life. As a person who likes to serve and help others, I must often draw a line in the sand as to where service stops, and self-care begins. This line is clear to me, and to keep myself safe, I express where this line is and how it works. I never knew where this line was before I had done countless hours of personal work and learned through the school of hard knocks.
Each day, I awaken early and begin with my daily ritual which includes prayer, meditation, clearing, channeled writing, crystal gridding and intention setting. This is a very creative and grounding time each day that I never miss because I love it so much. It helps me get through the tough times and attunes me to my soul’s journey.
On a more etheric level, I am rigorous about energetic protection and asking my guides and angels to keep me safe. Prayer is powerful and my intention around truth, clarity and protection are cornerstones of my daily practise. When I pray, I can feel the difference and the space/field shifts. I add beauty to my sanctuary with things I love, flowers, oils, crystals, music, and instruments. Beauty creates a high vibe, elevated sanctuary.
How I have found greater safety within myself is by surrendering my fear of being a victim. By putting up a boundary in light and clearing my past, I have found peace in my inner sanctuary. I feel that part of my journey was to disarm my fear and learn how to be safe anywhere, but especially within myself. I remind myself that my best is good enough.
Song Medicine

Sanctuary is about the vocal chakra and the alta major chakra. The vocal chakra is about speaking one’s truth in clarity and power. There are 33 chambers in this chakra and it is about courage, integrity and freely expressing. Archangel Michael oversees this vocal chakra with his protection and sword of truth that cuts through distortion. The star sign of this song is Sagittarius, a fire sign, which burns through what is not serving you. For this song the crystal is turquoise which represents protection and abundance. The blue and green colours are for healing. The sacred geometry is the spiral which is about consciousness, creation, cycles of life, and the goddess energy. The song is written in Ab minor and in 820 hz for a powerful clearing of the voice. The flower pansy represents dignity, fertility, compassion, and nobility. Mrytle oil is said to be a soul healer, helpful in trauma, self-destruction, and purity. Maca root is a sacred feminine master plant wanting to heal and create harmony in the body. The redwood tree is for healing, strength, and resilience. This tree can withstand fires.
Sanctuary’s medicine is about integrity, courage, and expression. An open vocal chakra is an ongoing journey of opening to courage and creating an affirmation each day is powerful. Try the affirmation, “I accept my best as good enough.” Opening to your inner sanctuary and expressing is life changing.
Sanctuary – Song Prescription
Sign: Sagittarius (fire)
Crystal: Turquoise
Flower: Pansy
Essential Oil: Myrtle
Adaptogen: Maca Root
Tree: Redwood
Body Location: Voice
Key: Ab Minor
Frequency: 820 Hz
Colour: blue/green
Geometry: Spiral
Chakra: Vocal Chakra/Alta Major (33 chambers)
Healing Solution – Integrity, Courage, Expression, Creation
Healing Impact – Affirmation
Archangel – Michael
Affirmation: Accept my best as good enough