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Gold - the Story and the Medicine

Writer's picture: Heather HillHeather Hill

The Story

Gold is a meditation to release stress and ground. If you ever want a song to help you ground and tune into your heart, this is your song. It begins with letting go of your cares in your body by imagining it draining down your body and into the ground. Your feet grow roots, and you dissolve your fears and worries into the earth. The gold river takes what you no longer need and burns it in the core of the Earth.


The beautiful golden energy from earth then reaches up through the earth star chakra, root chakra sacral chakra, solar plexus chakra, heart chakra, vocal/alta major chakra, third eye chakra, crown chakra, causal chakra, soul star chakra, stellar gateway and beyond. The gold ray clears your energy centres, opens your heart, and finds its way to the stars. The star and cosmic light return down through your chakras and back into the earth. You become a pillar of light from the core of the earth to the stars.


Gold anchors you so you can open wide and find your spark of genius and live your inner creator with passion. As the gold flows through you, you are released of the stories of your ancestry and family that no longer serve you. You release them into the earth to ground further. As your heart opens wider you live into your new gifts and story. This new story is one you want to share, and you feel compelled to share. Heart opening is part of the path of awakening. As the heart opens, your voice emerges.


In my journey so far, I have spent a lifetime opening my heart and my voice to be able to open to communicate and sing my story. I have learned that when I am grounded, I am safe to receive. Once I am in receiving mode, my voice is clear to speak or sing with love and compassion. The placement of my voice is different grounded in love. It is authentic. As my ego is more integrated, I can offer my gifts to others from a place of pure service in grace. I always think of gold coming from my heart and filling my throat when I am singing. The gold then finds the open hearts of its listeners.


I wrote this song when I was beginning to question all my stories and open my heart to others. I could see that I was wounded from my childhood and my family inheritance. The impact from these wounds included distrust, silence, invisibility, and always wanting to abandon myself. I began to question which stories were mine and which stories had I taken on as mine. I began to consciously chose which ones were authentic to me. I decluttered my old ideas and patterns. I asked people around me that loved me about my true essence when I was shining my brightest. I learned a lot about what was sabotaging me and my light in the world.


Song Medicine


The song medicine for Gold is flow, just like the water in a river. The star sign for this song is Cancer which is a water sign. The medicine of this song is such a gift of grounding and heart opening. It has the added benefit of relieving stress just like taking a bath or experiencing water therapy. The song is written in C major and is 523 hz which corresponds both to the 5th chakra and the heart chakra. The flower is vervain which is an enchanted plant which creates sanctuary. The ginko tree is a sign of peace, hope and vitality. The sacred geometry is the isahedron, the platonic solid for water, is about trust and wisdom of the universe.


The Herkimer diamond is a powerful healing crystal which is a receiver of love and amplifier of spiritual energy. This quartz has iron and organic material in which adds to the grounding properties. Ginger is a sacred oil that brings on courage, empowerment, and assurance. The colour of this song is white/pink for love and wholeness. The Archangel for the 33 chakras of the heart is Chamuel who overlights the evolution of the heart. Chamuel helps you receives the highest frequency of love. The affirmation for this song and chakra is I feel passionately about my story and am open to receiving love.


Song Prescription


Sign: Cancer (water)

Crystal: Herkimer Diamond

Flower: Vervain

Essential Oil: Ginger

Adaptogen:  Ginsing

Tree: Ginko

Body Location: Heart

Key:  C major

Frequency:  523 Hz

Colour: Pink/white

Geometry: Isahedron

Chakra: Heart Chakra

Healing Solution – Family lineage clearing

Healing Impact – Hydrotherapy

Archangel – Chamuel

Affirmation: I passionately feel my new story and I am open to receiving.



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